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Junkkari in Myanmar

In February Junkkari's Sales and Development Manager Juha Sippola visited Myanmar with Finnish Foreign Trade and Development Minister Kai Mykkänen's Business Delegation. In delegation were presented companies from cleantech, electricity, mining and energy sectors. Junkkari was part of Waste-to-Energy group, which introduced Finnish know-how in wood based energy production. During the visit Minister Mykkänen and delegation met Myanmar State Ministries, Region Government and wood industry experts together with companies. - With Junkkari chippers logging and industry residues can be transformed into renewable energy resource. This will be one of the main development areas in Myanmar in coming years, because 70 % of country's 53 million people live outside the power grid. There is a big demand for local energy production while wood industry has huge potential to grow waste wood utilization rate, Juha says.

In Myanmar Finland has very good reputation as efficient wood utilizer. Finland is also known as a country that follows principles of sustainable development in forest utilization. - I was happy to notice that Myanmar Ministries were highly aware of environmental point of view. Authorities know the importance of clean and renewable energy in building the country's future. Junkkari's message of using wood chips as an energy resource was listened with high interest and tens of business cards were changed, Juha ends. 
